Bug Flap

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What are Bug Flaps in Fenestration?

Bug flaps are specialized screens that cover windows and doors to prevent pests like flies and mosquitoes from entering. In fenestration (the design and installation of windows and doors), bug flaps offer crucial pest control while maintaining ventilation.

Benefits of Bug Flaps

  • Pest Prevention: Effectively prevents insects from entering buildings, protecting living spaces, work environments, and food preparation areas.
  • Safety & Health: Reduces the risk of bites and pest-related diseases by keeping harmful insects outside.
  • Food Protection: Helps to protect food and other sensitive materials from infestation.

Why Replace Bug Flaps in Fenestration?

Bug flaps traditionally rely on thin, flexible materials like vinyl or polyester. Over time, they can wear out, resulting in gaps and drafts. Modern alternatives, such as our bug flaps with metal mesh, offer better airflow control while preventing insects from entering through small openings. This enhanced design eliminates drafts while providing reliable protection.

Bug Flaps are Available in Bulk

Bug flaps, available in bulk, are designed to serve the specialized needs of various customers.

  • Distributors receive high-quality bug flaps that can be quickly and reliably delivered to their customers, seamlessly integrating into fenestration systems for comprehensive protection.
  • Resellers trust our versatile bug flaps to fit various window and door systems, offering reliable insect protection to clients with diverse requirements.
  • Builders rely on these essential components to help construct high-quality structures, ensuring efficient ventilation while keeping pests out.
  • Manufacturers across industries, from automotive to marine seating, use our bug flaps to enhance their final products’ functionality and quality, providing their customers with reliable protection in every application.

Contact Us for Quality Bug Flaps

Ensure your fenestration projects are equipped with effective bug flaps by partnering with us. Reach out at 800-229-3181 or use our online contact form to learn more or place your order today.