When you have outdoor furniture for those weekend get-togethers, parties, and cookouts, practical matters come into the picture. Since outdoor furniture is meant to be outside, they need to be built strong enough to withstand bad weather and environmental hazards. If you are considering frames and cushions, ones that don’t soak water will do. However, give special attention to the piping or cording. The material is sewn onto the fabric as a decorative edge.
1. Foam Welt Cord for Your Upholstery
A foam welt cord is best suited for pillows and cushions that are left outdoors. They are durable, waterproof, and a perfect choice for all types of upholstery placed in your patios and backyards under various seasons.
2. Vinyl Welt Cord for Your Upholstery
Vinyl welt cord is a perfect choice for outdoor furniture kept under cold weather. These cords are sturdy and form a strong bond for most pillows and cushions. However, warm climates make vinyl lose its texture or flexibility quickly.
3. Cotton Welt Cord for Your Upholstery
Another popular choice for outdoor furniture upholstery welt cord is cotton. Like vinyl, cotton offers a strong base but only with a top coating resistant to degradation due to bad weather conditions.
Uses of Welt Cord
Welt cords are used in various ways. Whether you need a single braided upholstery welting cord or double braided version depends on the purpose of the cord – indoor or outdoor. Typically, welt cords are used in pillows, draperies, chairs, sofas, and headboards.
Choosing a Welt Cord For Indoor/Outdoor
The type of welt cord you need depends on the type of the item and where you would place it. Take a hard look at what works well with the welt cord you want to complement. For instance, a welt cord for outdoor furniture should be able to withstand sun, rain, and moisture. Foam or vinyl is a suitable choice here.
For more information and order the finest quality welt cord online, contact or visit DAPA products today! Give us a call today at DAPA Products so that we can help you place your order. You can reach us at 1-800-229-3181. You can also place your order through our online system.