Most of us don’t think about the window screens in our homes until they need to be fixed or replaced. It’s just not something that is at the top of the home to-do list for most homeowners! However, window screens serve a significant purpose in our homes. Let’s look at why appreciating our window screens should be a bigger issue in our lives.

The Purpose of a Window Screen
Window screens serve more than a critical purpose for our homes. Screens protect against the outside elements, such as the bright sun and cold rain. We need them to keep various pests from getting into our homes, such as mosquitoes, spiders, mice, and small animals. While you keep the pests out, you’re allowing fresh air to circulate throughout your home. The right window screen products will make your home a better one to live in all around.
The Life of a Window Screen
If your window screens aren’t made of the best material, you may find that you have to replace them regularly. This is especially true if pets love to claw at the screens, causing rips and tears in the material. The quality of your current window screens will also have an impact on how long they will last. That is why it is important to have quality window screens installed in all of your window frames, particularly aluminum window screen mesh or fiberglass screens.
Call DAPA Products Today
DAPA Products is here to help when you are ready to order window screen products for your home. We offer a variety of window screening kits that will make your windows look and function beautifully. Call today for more information at 1-800-229-3181 or look at what we have to offer on our website.